
Les tutoriels et les astuces

Les tutoriels et les astuces

Cette page regroupe les tutoriels ou les astuces.


Comment configurer facilement ses comptes e-mails dans Thunderbird (Icedove).

La configuration d’un compte de messagerie électronique dans un logiciel spécialisé tel que Thunderbird est facile et à la portée de tous.

Ces différentes pages vont vous permettre de comprendre et bien configurer vos comptes e-mails dans Thunderbird.


Modifier l’avatar dans Pidgin (Gaim)

Ce tutoriel a pour objectif de vous montrer comment modifier l’avatar dans Pidgin (anciennement Gaim).


Pourquoi bloquer la publicité et les traqueurs ?

Nous expliquons pourquoi il est nécessaire de bloquer la publicité et les traqueurs, pour améliorer le confort de navigation sur Internet et la sécurité


Mastodon - Le réseau social qui vous veut du bien

Présentation de Mastodon, le réseau social créé en 2016. Un aperçu en vidéo avec les fonctionnalités clefs.

Mozilla : Open Policy & Advocacy


Mozilla provides feedback to ACM’s DSA Guidelines

 -  8 avril - 

The EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA) has taken effect, ushering in a new era of accountability, transparency, and responsibility for digital platforms. Mozilla has actively supported the DSA – and its aim to build a safer digital ecosystem – since the legislation was first proposed, and continues to contribute to conversations about how to implement it effectively.Technology companies that (...)


Mozilla, Center for Democracy and Technology call for openness and transparency in AI

 -  25 mars - 

Update | 27 March 2024: Mozilla has submitted its comments to the NTIA’s consultation on openness in AI models referenced in this blog post originally. Drawing on Mozilla’s own history as part of the open source movement, the submission seeks to help guide difficult conversations about openness in AI. First, we shine a light on the different dimensions of openness in AI, including on different (...)


Mozilla Joins Amicus Brief Supporting Software Interoperability

 -  12 mars - 

In modern technology, interoperability between programs is crucial to the usability of applications, user choice, and healthy competition. Today Mozilla has joined an amicus brief at the Ninth Circuit, to ensure that copyright law does not undermine the ability of developers to build interoperable software.This amicus brief comes in the latest appeal in a multi-year courtroom saga between (...)


Platform Tilt: Documenting the Uneven Playing Field for an Independent Browser Like Firefox

 -  19 janvier - 

Browsers are the principal gateway connecting people to the open Internet, acting as their agent and shaping their experience. The central role of browsers has long motivated us to build and improve Firefox in order to offer people an independent choice. However, this centrality also creates a strong incentive for dominant players to control the browser that people use. The right way to win (...)


Mozilla Weighs in on State Comprehensive Privacy Proposals

 -  11 janvier - 

[Read our letters to legislators in Massachusetts and Maine.]Today, Mozilla is calling for the passage of strong state privacy protections, such as those modeled off of the American Data Privacy and Protection Act at the federal level. Today’s action came in the form of letters to relevant committee leadership in the Massachusetts and Maine legislatures encouraging them to consider and pass (...)


Mozilla’s Comments to FCC: Net Neutrality Essential for Competition, Innovation, Privacy

 -  Décembre 2023 - 

[UPDATE: Read our reply comments here][Read our full submission here]Net neutrality – the concept that your internet provider should not be able to block, throttle, or prioritize elements of your internet service, such as to favor their own products or business partners – is on the docket again in the United States. With the FCC putting out a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to (...)


Mozilla Calls on Congress to Reform FISA

 -  Juillet 2023 - 

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is set to expire at the end of the year. Amid the regular drumbeat of revelations regarding the abuses of the program, Mozilla calls on Congress to significantly reform FISA now.FISA Reform is Critical for Civil Liberties and Human RightsMozilla has advocated through dozens of blog posts, regulatory filings, and amicus briefs (...)


La proposition française de bloquer les sites web via le navigateur nuira gravement à l’internet ouvert mondial

 -  Juin 2023 - 

Dans une tentative louable, mais périlleuse de lutter contre la fraude en ligne, la France s’apprête à obliger les créateurs de navigateurs à mettre en œuvre une fonctionnalité technique relevant de la dystopie. L’article 6 du projet de loi SREN obligerait les développeurs de navigateur à créer les moyens de bloquer obligatoirement les sites web figurant sur une liste fournie par le gouvernement et (...)