
Suport technique et veille technologique

Aujourd’hui, les grandes entreprises et administrations publiques hésitent entre continuer à utiliser des logiciels propriétaires ou basculer vers les Logiciels Libres. Pourtant, la plupart des logiciels libres sont capables de bien traiter les données issues des logiciels propriétaire, et parfois avec une meilleur compatibilité.

C’est alors la barrière de la prise en main qui fait peur, et pourtant...

Les logiciels libres

L’aspect « Logiciel Libre » permet une évolution rapide et une plus grande participation des utilisateurs. Les aides et tutoriels foisonnent sur Internet ou sont directement inclus dans le logiciel lui-même.

Enfin, les concepteurs sont plus proches des utilisateurs, ce qui rend les logiciels libres plus agréable à utiliser et conviviaux.

Grâce à la disponibilité des logiciels libres, vous trouverez facilement des services de support techniques et la licence n’est plus un frein à l’utilisation de ces logiciels par votre personnel.

Notre support technique concerne essentiellement les logiciels libres, que ce soit sous forme de services ponctuels ou de tutoriels.

Web3 is going just great [English]  -  UwU Lend suffers almost $20 million hack

 -  13 juin - 

A blue-purple cat illustration, with closed eyes making its eyes and mouth resemble "UwU"

The defi lending protocol UwU Lend was hacked for around $20 million. After various blockchain security firms observed suspicious outflows of funds, the protocol acknowledged there had been a "situation" on their Twitter account, and wrote that they had paused the protocol while they were investigating.

UwU Lend was founded by Michael Patryn, aka Omar Dhanani, aka "0xSifu" — a co-founder of the ill-fated QuadrigaCX exchange and ex-con. He also pseudonymously ran the defi cryptocurrency project Wonderland until his identity was revealed after the protocol suffered a meltdown.

par Molly White

Web3 is going just great [English]

A timeline recording only some of the many disasters happening in crypto, decentralized finance, NFTs, and other blockchain-based projects.

Lykke exchange hacked for over $23 million

 -  10 juin - 

The UK-based Lykke crypto exchange suffered an exploit that saw more than $23.6 million stolen from the platform. The platform shut down trading (...)

Loopring's "most secure" wallet hacked for at least $5 million

 -  9 juin - 

Although Loopring markets its wallet application as "Ethereum's most secure wallet", that's evidently a pretty low bar. They disclosed that they (...)

Blockchain developer loses over $48,000 after posting private key to Github

 -  7 juin - 

A blockchain developer posted on Twitter that he had lost almost $50,000 after his cryptocurrency wallet was drained. He explained that he had (...)

New York Attorney General sues over $1 billion NovaTech and AWS Mining crypto pyramid schemes

 -  7 juin - 

The New York Attorney General’s office has sued Cynthia and Eddy Petion over two allegedly fraudulent cryptocurrency pyramid schemes called AWS (...)

DOJ indicts Epoch Times executive for crypto scam

 -  4 juin - 

Widong "Bill" Guan, Chief Financial Officer of the far-right Epoch Times media company, has been indicted on money laundering conspiracy and bank (...)