
Suport technique et veille technologique

Suport technique et veille technologique

Aujourd’hui, les grandes entreprises et administrations publiques hésitent entre continuer à utiliser des logiciels propriétaires ou basculer vers les Logiciels Libres. Pourtant, la plupart des logiciels libres sont capables de bien traiter les données issues des logiciels propriétaire, et parfois avec une meilleur compatibilité.

C’est alors la barrière de la prise en main qui fait peur, et pourtant...

Les logiciels libres

L’aspect « Logiciel Libre » permet une évolution rapide et une plus grande participation des utilisateurs. Les aides et tutoriels foisonnent sur Internet ou sont directement inclus dans le logiciel lui-même.

Enfin, les concepteurs sont plus proches des utilisateurs, ce qui rend les logiciels libres plus agréable à utiliser et conviviaux.

Grâce à la disponibilité des logiciels libres, vous trouverez facilement des services de support techniques et la licence n’est plus un frein à l’utilisation de ces logiciels par votre personnel.

Notre support technique concerne essentiellement les logiciels libres, que ce soit sous forme de services ponctuels ou de tutoriels.

Web3 is going just great [English]  -  $6 million taken from Delta Prime defi protocol

 -  16 septembre - 

A tornado-like swirl in a triangular shape, followed by "DeltaPrime", all in purple

The DeltaPrime defi protocol suffered a $6 million loss after a private key was leaked. Access to the private key allowed the attacker to mint 1.1×1069 DPUSDC, which are tokens that allow holders to redeem the USDC stablecoin at a 1:1 ratio. They repeated the mint with several other deposit receipt tokens for bitcoin, ether, and other cryptocurrencies. Altogether, they redeemed a small fraction of these enormous quantities of deposit receipts, amounting to around $6 million in assets.

DeltaPrime acknowledged the attack on Twitter, and announced that "the risk is contained". They also stated that they were "looking into other ways to reduce user losses to a minimum", including by pulling from the protocol's insurance pool.

par Molly White

Web3 is going just great [English]

A timeline recording only some of the many disasters happening in crypto, decentralized finance, NFTs, and other blockchain-based projects.

Trump family Twitter accounts compromised ahead of World Liberty Financial launch

 -  16 septembre - 

The Twitter accounts belonging to Lara and Tiffany Trump were compromised and used to announce a fake launch of the (unfortunately real) World (...)

State securities regulators settle with GS Partners over pyramid schemes including "tokenized skyscraper"

 -  16 septembre - 

Five states have settled with the European crypto firm GS Partners over several crypto investment pyramid schemes. These included one in which (...)

Flappy Bird creator disavows crypto spin-off

 -  16 septembre - 

A blockchain-based version of the 2014 hit game Flappy Bird has emerged, taking advantage of the recent "tap-to-earn" crypto craze. The (...)

Revelo CEO resigns after claiming he was robbed of personal and company funds at gunpoint

 -  14 septembre - 

Nick Drakon, formerly the CEO of the crypto research and venture capital firm Revelo, announced on Twitter that he was resigning from the (...)

AssangeDAO accused of rug pull after transferring treasury to German foundation

 -  14 septembre - 

AssangeDAO was a project created to fundraise for the legal defense of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been fighting espionage and (...)