
Suport technique et veille technologique

Suport technique et veille technologique

Aujourd’hui, les grandes entreprises et administrations publiques hésitent entre continuer à utiliser des logiciels propriétaires ou basculer vers les Logiciels Libres. Pourtant, la plupart des logiciels libres sont capables de bien traiter les données issues des logiciels propriétaire, et parfois avec une meilleur compatibilité.

C’est alors la barrière de la prise en main qui fait peur, et pourtant...

Les logiciels libres

L’aspect « Logiciel Libre » permet une évolution rapide et une plus grande participation des utilisateurs. Les aides et tutoriels foisonnent sur Internet ou sont directement inclus dans le logiciel lui-même.

Enfin, les concepteurs sont plus proches des utilisateurs, ce qui rend les logiciels libres plus agréable à utiliser et conviviaux.

Grâce à la disponibilité des logiciels libres, vous trouverez facilement des services de support techniques et la licence n’est plus un frein à l’utilisation de ces logiciels par votre personnel.

Notre support technique concerne essentiellement les logiciels libres, que ce soit sous forme de services ponctuels ou de tutoriels.

Web3 is going just great [English]  -  Germany seizes 47 cryptocurrency exchanges reportedly used by ransomware groups

 -  22 septembre - 

Webpage announcing seized crypto exchange. Letter reads: "Operation Final Exchange THIS WAS YOUR FINAL EXCHANGE! This is for you, ransomware affiliates, botnet operators and darknet vendors: For years, the operators of these criminal exchange services have led you to believe that their hosting cannot be found, that they do not store any customer data and that all data is deleted immediately after the transaction. An apparently unregulated hub allowing you to launder the proceeds of your criminal activities without fear of prosecution. From our point of view: nothing but empty promises! We have found their servers and seized them - development servers, production servers, backup servers. We have their data and therefore we have your data. Transactions, registration data, IP addresses. Our search for traces begins. See you soon."

German authorities have seized 47 cryptocurrency exchanges alleged to have been used to launder stolen funds by ransomware groups. The exchanges did not require KYC, allowing customers to remain anonymous throughout their transactions.

Websites for these exchanges now show notices announcing a law enforcement operation called "Operation Final Exchange". The page announces to visitors "This was your final exchange!", and in a letter addressed to "ransomware affiliates, botnet operators and darknet vendors", warns that authorities are now working to trace the illicit users of the exchange.

par Molly White

Web3 is going just great [English]

A timeline recording only some of the many disasters happening in crypto, decentralized finance, NFTs, and other blockchain-based projects.

Bedrock staking platform loses $2 million after bug that allowed users to trade Bitcoin and Ethereum 1:1

 -  27 septembre - 

A staking platform called Bedrock lost around $2 million after exploiters discovered a bug that allowed them to swap 1 ETH for 1 BTC despite the (...)

Truflation hacked for around $5 million

 -  26 septembre - 

The Truflation platform suffered a loss of around $5 million after what they described as "an attack using malware". The company acknowledged the (...)

OpenAI Twitter account once again hacked and used to promote scam token

 -  25 septembre - 

The Twitter account belonging to OpenAI's news account was compromised and used to "announce" a scam website purporting to announce the $OPENAI (...)

Almost $2 million taken from users of Telegram "Banana Gun" crypto trading bot

 -  25 septembre - 

Some people use a Telegram-based crypto trading bot called "Banana Gun" to "snipe" crypto trades, copytrade, and perform other activities. On (...)

Shezmu hacked for almost $5 million, negotiates bounty

 -  22 septembre - 

A crypto yield platform called Shezmu suffered a loss of around $4.9 million in $ShezUSD after an attacker exploited a flaw that allowed anyone (...)