
Infographie et communication

Par définition, l’infographie correspond au traitement des images avec l’informatique. C’est donc un domaine très étendu dans lequel on retrouve la retouche photo, la réalisation de 3D, et la création de documents de communications.

Notre service d’infographie travaille pour la création de visuels :

  • cartes de visites
  • prospectus et plaquettes publicitaires
  • traitement pour les sites Internet

Dessiner en toute liberté | Inkscape  -  A look back in celebration of Inkscape contributors & milestones in 2021

 -  Juillet 2022 - 

Yes, we’re over halfway through 2022. That won’t stop us from celebrating our volunteers and the work accomplished during 2021. It’s always a good time to look back at how we have arrived here this year. Enjoy the read!

The Inkscape project is composed of a global team of volunteer contributors who collaborate to maintain, develop, translate, design, document, promote and use this free and open source (FOSS) professional vector-editing software.

Without our volunteers, Inkscape simply would not exist!

This diversely-skilled team of contributors spend their time and energy serving Inkscape users and mentoring each other and summer students through our chat groups and the forum, meeting to plan launches, organize activities, participate in external events, and connecting with followers across multiple social media platforms. There was even an opportunity to connect for one international conference via a virtual room from continents around the planet.

The year 2021 began with the launch of Inkscape 1.02 and 1.1 alpha; we also held our famous About Screen Contest featuring 82 entries by 62 different Inkscape artists, ahead of the launch of version 1.1.

In between, contributors participated in different virtual conferences, including the Chemnitz Linux Days, and launched another call for Google Summer of Code students while celebrating the work of past students with the project.

Last year also saw the project seek specific talent to volunteer with improving the software for macOS users, along with a 1.1.1 maintenance release.

Each of these opportunities to exchange, grow, and share and learn new skills together increases ensures the continuous improvement and longevity of this community and the software at the heart of it all.

Collage of some of our contributors by Adam Earle. Original photos by the respective contributors. CC-By-SA 4.0 Some of the faces of Inkscape contributors who were active in 2021, from across the Developer and Vectors teams, sporting their spiffy Inkscape T’s. Collage Credit: Inkscaper Adam Earle. Inkscape T-shirt design: Inkscape artist Rafael Alves Lopes and Inkscapers Ryan Gorley and Martin Owens.

Whether you’re a developer, a translator, an artist, a designer or a writer – there’s room for your contribution to the Inkscape project.

Come find us online in one of our community chat rooms and introduce yourself. We’re eager to meet you and help you discover how you can contribute, learn and grow within the Inkscape project, too.

We hope to see you there.

Draw freely.


Dessiner en toute liberté | Inkscape

Inkscape est un logiciel professionnel de dessin vectoriel pour Windows, Mac OS X et GNU/Linux. Il est libre et gratuit.

Inkscape Summit 2024

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1.4 About Screen Contest

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Creators: Don't Fall for Inkscape Impersonator

 -  14 février - 

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