
Infographie et communication

Par définition, l’infographie correspond au traitement des images avec l’informatique. C’est donc un domaine très étendu dans lequel on retrouve la retouche photo, la réalisation de 3D, et la création de documents de communications.

Notre service d’infographie travaille pour la création de visuels :

  • cartes de visites
  • prospectus et plaquettes publicitaires
  • traitement pour les sites Internet

Dessiner en toute liberté | Inkscape  -  Big, small release – Inkscape 1.3.1 is out!

 -  Novembre 2023 - 

Inkscape 1.3 About Screen Contest Entry by Chris Hildenbrand, modified for ratio and number, CC-By-SA 4.0

The latest point release, Inkscape 1.3.1, has grown into one of the biggest bug fix packages we've ever shared with the community. Update to benefit from more than 70 bug fixes, 16 improved user interface translations, and even two small, new features!

Here's a quick overview of what's in this new release:

  • more than 30 crash/freeze fixes, many of which affected PDF import and Live Path Effects
  • a new feature to disable snapping to grid lines, while still snapping to grid intersections
  • a new feature to split text into its letters (characters), while keeping the kerning (letter distances) intact
  • the Shape Builder tool now creates an appropriate number of nodes
  • activating a layer in the Layers dialog no longer requires you to double-click to enter the layer on the canvas to be able to work in it
  • no more auto-expanding layers in the Layers dialog when only activating them, and improved behavior on deleting and moving layers
  • right-clicking now applies the change to the selected object, not to whatever group it is in
  • the Page tool's size field no longer refuses to be edited
  • improved handle visibility with dark desk colors
  • multiple improvements for converting text objects to a path
  • PDF files that could not be opened with Inkscape 1.3 can now be opened / imported again
  • the English terms for Live Path Effects can now be searched for even if you use Inkscape in another language, so you can better follow tutorials
  • on macOS, and many current Linux distributions, gradient dithering is now available
  • there exists a workaround that users can apply when they are experiencing missing user interface fonts on macOS ('tofu')
  • 3 fixes for extension bugs
  • 16 improved user interface translations
  • some small updates for the included tutorials and the man page
  • and almost 40 more bug fixes!

We wish to thank Inkscape users and contributors for their support in identifying and flagging these critical issues for us through sending bug reports for our volunteer developers to examine and solve. This collaboration is vital for us to ensure that Inkscape releases are working properly. We also want to thank those who donated to Inkscape, making this large number of fixes possible through the paid Bug Accelerator Program.

Should you experience an issue while using Inkscape, please consider sending us a bug report. We've put together a step-by-step video to help you post it on Gitlab.

If you'd like to contribute to the project, consider joining our project's global community! You'll find the list of ways to connect with us here.

For more detailed information on what was fixed in version 1.3.1 (and for the macOS font workaround), you can read the release notes.

Built with the power of a team of mostly volunteers, this open source vector graphics editor represents the work of many hearts and hands from around the world, ensuring that Inkscape remains available free for everyone to download and enjoy.

Get Inkscape 1.3.1 for Linux, Windows or macOS!

Draw Freely.


Dessiner en toute liberté | Inkscape

Inkscape est un logiciel professionnel de dessin vectoriel pour Windows, Mac OS X et GNU/Linux. Il est libre et gratuit.

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