
Infographie et communication

Par définition, l’infographie correspond au traitement des images avec l’informatique. C’est donc un domaine très étendu dans lequel on retrouve la retouche photo, la réalisation de 3D, et la création de documents de communications.

Notre service d’infographie travaille pour la création de visuels :

  • cartes de visites
  • prospectus et plaquettes publicitaires
  • traitement pour les sites Internet

Dessiner en toute liberté | Inkscape  -  Inkscape 1.3.2 solves data loss bug in previous release

 -  Décembre 2023 - 

The Inkscape Developer Team released version 1.3.2 on November 26, 2023, to solve an important data loss bug in 1.3.1. If you installed 1.3.1, we recommend you update Inkscape as soon as possible. If you’re a Windows user, please uninstall the older version first.

This version enables stars, polygons, spirals and 3D boxes to save correctly

If you experienced data loss with these shapes after saving them in an Inkscape SVG file, there is a way to recover your file. You can do this by manually editing the affected shapes if they are not showing up properly, using the following steps: 

1. Check your files for missing elements by using a web browser or another program (because the missing elements will still be visible in Inkscape, but nowhere else).

2. To fix all the shapes at once, select all the elements in all the layers (using Ctrl + Alt + A, and make sure to unlock them first!) and then move them to the right (or left) and back again by pressing the arrow keys.

3. Any symbols or patterns containing these shapes need to be turned into normal objects to enable Inkscape to replace the missing data.

Unfortunately, any files saved as plain or optimized SVGs are not recoverable. 

Also new in 1.3.2, Inkscape users working in traditional Chinese interface will appreciate the updated translation. 

Download 1.3.2 for all platforms on Inkscape’s web site. You’ll also find the Release Notes there, too.

Should you want to report a bug, we would be happy to receive your contribution. Or if you have a question about version 1.3.2, drop into our online chat and our mostly volunteer contributor team will help you find the answer.

In the meantime, Draw Freely. 

Get Inkscape 1.3.2 for Linux, Windows or macOS!


Dessiner en toute liberté | Inkscape

Inkscape est un logiciel professionnel de dessin vectoriel pour Windows, Mac OS X et GNU/Linux. Il est libre et gratuit.

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