
Infographie et communication

Par définition, l’infographie correspond au traitement des images avec l’informatique. C’est donc un domaine très étendu dans lequel on retrouve la retouche photo, la réalisation de 3D, et la création de documents de communications.

Notre service d’infographie travaille pour la création de visuels :

  • cartes de visites
  • prospectus et plaquettes publicitaires
  • traitement pour les sites Internet

Dessiner en toute liberté | Inkscape  -  Creators: Don't Fall for Inkscape Impersonator

 -  Février 2024 - 

The project has received multiple requests for confirmation from creators, asking us whether we have been reaching out to them about collaborations / partnerships. They have been approached by someone who used the name “Inkscape PhotoEditor,” which does not exist. This is not us. Any official invitations to collaborate from the project will be listed prominently on our website (i.e. here).



Dessiner en toute liberté | Inkscape

Inkscape est un logiciel professionnel de dessin vectoriel pour Windows, Mac OS X et GNU/Linux. Il est libre et gratuit.

Inkscape Summit Frankfurt 2025

 -  5 février - 

For the past few days, 7 Inkscape Members met up in Frankfurt, Germany to collaborate on various projects and get to know each other.We were (...)

Inkscape at 21 is growing up and getting organized

 -  Novembre 2024 - 

November 6, 2024, marks the end of the 20th anniversary year for the Inkscape project, and the beginning of a new decade of adventure. There were (...)

Inkscape’s 20th Anniversary

 -  Novembre 2024 - 

On November 18, 2023, the Inkscape project celebrated its 20th anniversary.The anniversary celebration was an online get-together of Inkscape (...)

Inkscape launches version 1.4, with powerful new accessible and customizable features

 -  Octobre 2024 - 

After months of waiting, we are finally ready to unbox the latest version of Inkscape... meet 1.4, the Geek edition, where accessibility and (...)

Inkscape Summit 2024

 -  Mai 2024 - 

We had a great Inkscape Summit in Rennes, France. Our three-day meeting was hosted by long-time Inkscaper's Elisa and Cédric in their school of (...)